I've decided that it would be easier to have a separate craft blog than to mix it in with cats, zoo tycoon, and whatever else I talk about in my main blog. I've only posted about crafts on there once, you can go read it if you like.
The post is about the dollhouse I'm building (it hasn't changed since that picture was taken other than it being in pieces under my bed) and some of the miniatures that I've made. I've made a few more mini things since then that I'll post about later on. I'm particularly proud of a cat tree that I made. Other than minis, I've been working on cat toys (you can see some in my Etsy shop on the right side of the page) and will be attempting to make a cat pillow and dog clothes. If they work out ok I may put them on Etsy. For updates on my craft projects and ideas, just follow this blog or follow me on Twitter @MeghansCreation.